
Tuesdays With Transitions: Hiring The Right Fit


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“People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” – Jim Collins (Good to Great)

Effective recruiting is a critical part of creating and sustaining a positive workforce.  Lack of attention to the ‘right fit’ compromises the success of your business and your workplace culture. Hiring the wrong person can negatively affect the brand you built and take a toll on the rest of the team who feel obligated to resolve problems that they cause.

It is more difficult to accommodate a lack of performance and harmony, than it is to invest in recruiting quality candidates.  Time, energy and money are at stake when you hire and train people who should never have been considered in the first place.

Layers of management have been minimized in most small businesses, so self-managed teams are expected to perform with less supervision.

Consider key characteristics of the ‘right fit’ for your practice:

  • Positive mindsets and view of life
  • Genuine curiosity for people
  • Good attitude and a high likeability factor
  • Awareness of their strengths and weaknesses
  • Open to change and growth
  • Collaborative and cooperative
  • Effective and assertive communication skills
  • Comfortable with owning their mistakes and solving problems
  • Adaptable confidence to try new things and innovate
  • Adds fun and happiness to the work place
  • Values align with the guiding principles of the practice
  • Takes personal ownership of choices and results

‘Right fit’ candidates share your core values and guiding principles   They clearly understand your expectations and are optimistic about contributing to your vision. Consider attitudes and behaviours and link your interview questions accordingly.  Base your decision-making on who they are and their potential as part of the team, not on how well they interview.

Practices can no longer afford to have employees who resist change.  Confident, adaptable problem solvers will prove to be your best asset, especially in today’s climate of unpredictability and rapid change.  Equal contribution is to be expected and carrying out tasks outside of specified roles is no longer a benefit, but a necessity.

Written by:

Lori Irvine

Practice Management Coach


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